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Letting go of FEAR and living from LOVE!

1. What can I do to experience more joy and love in my life?

Think back to your childhood to a time when you played, laughed and approached life with a child-like sense of curiosity. You were completely present and experienced so much joy and love. As adults it’s often certain life experiences that can shut this part of us down. We become fearful and closed off. Imagine if you re-connected with this part of yourself. If there was anything you could do in the world what would it be? Write a list of things that bring you joy or make you smile. Maybe even include from of your favourite childhood activities. Begin to make your way through this list. Start right now by booking a music or dance lesson or make a time visit that museum you have always been wanting to go to.

2. How can I let go of control?

Being controlling comes with a price and it can stop the natural ebb and flow of life. Control can show up as a form of protection of ourselves. I often ask clients what they need protection from or what is it that they fear will happen? When you notice yourself being controlling, ask yourself what do you gain from being this way? It’s important to recognise what you are actually missing out on through this process as well. It’s time to take a back seat for a day. Let family, friends and colleagues make the decisions you would normally make. Go with the flow a little more. List the positives that you experience from letting go.

3. How do I manage feelings of fear and anxiety?

Have you ever quite literally worried yourself sick about something that you thought “might” happen? It can be completely debilitating and stop you from living a life you desire. One of the tools I share with clients is to become an observer of yourself, feelings and thoughts. When you notice a feeling of fear or anxiety, name it, acknowledge where it is in your body, ask what it is trying to tell you? (Maybe there are thoughts of this isn’t safe, last time you got hurt, you could get ridiculed if you do this, or you might fail) Ask yourself if these are true? Is there a possibility that this also won’t happen? Create a list of the positives that could come out of the experiences if you move beyond the fear. Practise staying present with your breath and living each moment in the now.

4. How can I create positive change in my life?

We all know that change is the only constant in life right? So we may as well make it positive! It’s definitely time to get clear on what it is you want to change and why. You could then ask yourself if anyone you know has made this change before? Find out exactly how they did it, so that you can take the same actions to successfully create the same change. Take the time to write a detailed step by step action plan that you can follow. This will provide you with structure (avoiding chaos and instability) whilst creating the positive change in your life.

5. How do I have authentic connection and loving relationships with others?

Love and connection are basic human needs in order to live a fulfilling and successful life. When was the last time that you got really honest with yourself about whether these needs are being met? The relationship we have with ourselves is by far the most important. This requires exploring and meeting our own needs first. It’s time to discover who you really are and allow yourself to shine! Begin by creating a list of relationship values, what is important to you about a relationship. Focus on creating this in your relationship with yourself. For example, Commitment – Choose one activity that you will commit to for yourself each day, like drinking a big glass of water as soon as you wake each morning. Focus on developing all of those values within you and also in how you show up by being committed in your relationships with others.

6. What ways can I create new life experiences?

It’s easy to get bored with life when you wake at the same time each day, go to the same job and fulfil all the same duties. I’ve often heard living life this way described as ground hog day. Sure, it’s safe and secure and you can almost predict what will happen each day but you are left feeling uninspired and bored. Once you have gotten clear on your interests and hobbies it’s time to begin going to events, workshops or classes that align with you. Diarise them and be sure to follow through. Get even more out of your comfort zone by going a different route to work in the mornings. Organise to cook a meal you have never cooked before. Or maybe do your groceries at a supermarket in another suburb. There is a whole new community of people waiting to meet you!

Recap on the 6 Actions you can take to improve your sleep and wake feeling more energised:

  1. If there was anything you could do in the world what would it be? Write a list of things that bring you joy or make you smile. Book a music or dance lesson or visit that museum you have been wanting to go to.

  2. When you notice yourself being controlling, ask yourself what do you gain from being this way? Recognise what are you actually missing out on? It’s time to take a back seat for a day. Let family, friends and colleagues make the decisions you would normally make. List the positives that came from letting go.

  3. When you notice a feeling of fear or anxiety, name it, acknowledge where it is in your body, ask what it is trying to tell you? (Maybe there are thoughts of this isn’t safe, last time you got hurt, you could get ridiculed if you do this, or you might fail) Ask yourself if these are true? Create a list of the positives that could come out of the experiences. Practise staying present with your breath, living in the now.

  4. Get clear on what it is you want to change and why. Has anyone you know made this change before? Find out how they did it. Create a step by step action plan that you will follow to give you structure when you are creating change in your life.

  5. It’s time to discover who you really are and allow yourself to shine! Our relationship we have with ourselves is the most important. Begin by creating a list of relationship values, what is important to you about a relationship. Focus on creating this in your relationship with yourself. E.g. Commitment – Choose one activity that you will commit to for yourself each day, like drinking a big glass of water as soon as you wake each morning. Focus on developing all of those values within you and also how you show up committed in your relationships with others.

  6. When you have gotten clear on your interests and hobbies begin going to events, workshops or classes that align with you. There is a whole community waiting to meet you!

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