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Finding "my why???" in life!

  1. How can I feel more satisfaction in the work I choose to do?

We all have those days that maybe we are tired and just aren’t feeling it, although if this is how you feel day in and day out, it’s probably time for change. It could be time to ask yourself, what is the “one thing” you could easily sit down and talk about for hours? The very thing that ignites a burning passion within your soul. You enjoy learning about it, experiencing and sharing it with other people. This could initially be a hobby, a passion or something you do that doesn’t ever seem to grow old. It brings you endless joy! Imagine getting out of bed each day to work in this field or share this joy with others. Start here!

2. How do I bring my passions, knowledge and skills together as a business?

Of course, passion is a great place to start however it’s the knowledge and the skills you have that will enable you to share this passion with others. It’s time to research or discover any courses or qualifications you could complete to gain further knowledge and/or skills in this area or field. We are fortunate that there are now so many new ways to learn; online, face to face, through a mentor or educational facilities. Combining your passion, skills and knowledge is the first step. Finding a highly sought after and successful business mentor would ensure you get off to a great start.

3. What can I do to create a future I am excited about?

Do you remember the question you often got asked as a child… who or what do you want to be when you grow up? There was almost no limit to the imagination then… and its most definitely time to get dreaming! Grab a journal or big piece of butcher’s paper. Go out to 5 years’ time and begin to plan your life, yes this is “backwards by design”. When you know where you are heading, you will be able to then plan each step you need to take in order to get there. Remember to Dream BIG!

4. How can I ensure that I am living in alignment to my values?

It’s completely normal and ok to have days when we just don’t feel “right”, maybe something seems a bit off or you could be moving through a process or challenge. Although when we are living out of alignment with our values (what brings us joy) then emotions can absolutely surface. We can possibly experience feelings of sadness, anger, overwhelm, frustration or fear. All of our emotions serve a purpose yet our greatest challenge is if these emotions aren’t processed effectively, they can then create conflict in our life and/or relationships. Make it a priority to take time to acknowledge your emotions and express them, what is the message they are giving you. Are there actions that you are currently taking that are not aligned to your values? Grab your journal or better yet book a session with a coach.

5. How do I know if this will always be “my why?”

Do we ever really know if something will be “forever”? What I do know for sure is that your “why” will uplift, inspire and have you jumping out of bed! Could it change? Sure. And all that ever really matters is NOW! So after dreaming BIG, it’s time to connect in with your “why”. Let’s really identify, what are the reasons behind creating your life this way? Who will benefit? How will they or you benefit? What will this mean for you and/or them? If you didn’t create this dream what would that mean? Have your why written clearly where you can see it every single day!

Recap on the 6 Actions you can take towards finding and living your why:

  1. What is the “one thing” you could sit down and talk about for hours? It ignites a burning passion within your soul. You enjoy learning about it, experiencing and sharing it with other people. This could initially be a hobby, a passion or something you could do yet it doesn’t grow old. It brings you endless joy! Imagine getting out of bed each day to work in this field or share this joy with others. Start here!

  2. It’s time to research or discover any courses or qualifications you could complete to gain further knowledge and/or skills in this area or field. We are fortunate that there are now so many new ways to learn; online, face to face, through a mentor or educational facilities. Combining your passion, skills and knowledge is the first step. Finding a really successful business mentor would help you get off to a great start.

  3. It’s time to get dreaming! Go out to 5 years’ time and begin to plan your life “backwards by design”. When you know where you are heading, you will be able to plan each step to take in order to get you there. Dream big!

  4. Often when we are out of alignment with our values then emotions can surface. Make it a priority to take time to acknowledge your emotions and express them, what is the message they are giving you. Are the actions that you are currently taking that are not aligned to your values? Grab your journal or better yet book a session with a coach.

  5. All that ever really matters is now! So after dreaming big, it’s time to connect in with your “why”. Let’s get crystal clear, what are the reasons behind creating your life this way? Who will benefit? How will they or you benefit? What will this mean for you and/or them? Have your why written clearly where you can see it every single day!

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