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Gratitude can change your life!

1. How can I change my mindset and/or thoughts?

Read the book “Mindset” by Carol Dweck. Develop an understanding of a “Fixed” mindset, as opposed to a “Growth” Mindset. A growth mindset helps us to embrace challenges, persist when faced with setbacks, see effort as a way towards mastery, learn from criticism and find inspiration in the success of others. Start to observe your language/thoughts and change them from negative to positive. It’s a great idea to write down any negative thoughts or repeated language patterns and re-frame them into a growth mindset. E.g. I am never going to get the job I want as opposed to, I am developing the skills/tools to have any job I desire.

2. How can I create a life that I desire?

Take time to dream up the life that you want. Set aside an hour of reflection time and look at all the different areas of your life; your relationships, career, hobbies, spirituality, health, finances, family. Maybe it's time to get really honest with yourself and give them a rating out of 10 about how satisfied you are with each area. Start to ponder... what do you desire in 5 years time, 3 years time or even 1 years time. Once you have clarity you can begin to take actions towards setting intentions and creating your dreams. It could be a good idea to set 1 achievable goal (with a specific date) for each area in your life. Then ask yourself... What is the last step you will take before achieving the goal and what is the first actionable step you will take. Enjoy the exciting process of creating your own destiny.

3. How can I experience more happiness?

Happiness looks different for all of us. So firstly, get familiar with what it is you really enjoy in life. Recall the moments when you were a child that brought you a lot of joy, you may be surprised that these hobbies or interests are still in fact the same. Get curious and try new experiences, approach life like an inquisitive child. I encourage you create a list of all the things that bring you JOY and do one of these actions daily (cooking, reading, walking, swimming, painting, singing).

4. How can I wake up feeling joyful and motivated?

It’s a given that how we start our day is often how our day will continue. I’m sure you are all familiar with the saying of ‘getting out of the wrong side of bed’. Creating a morning routine can essentially set the tone for your day. What time do you wake up? Do you meditate? Are you rehydrating your body with a big glass of water, do you need to move your body and shift energy? If all of this occurs before looking at your phone, emails and/or socials) you have charged your energy system and filled our cup with love and positive mindset before the day begins.

5. What will help me to change my state?

Have you ever heard your favourite song come on the radio and after it finished it left you feeling totally uplifted and smiling from ear to ear? Our feeling states and senses are anchored to experiences/memories; sounds of the ocean may make you feel calm, the smell of your favourite oil could relax you. You get my drift? What we tend to focus on, we see, hear, observe, experience more of. Before you go to bed at night lets really get focused and in a positive state by journaling everything that you are grateful for in your day. We can prepare the mind to wake up in the same state by getting clear on what you want your day tomorrow to be like. Activating your heart space and feeling grateful for what has yet to occur in this physical reality.

6. How can I let go of my past?

We wouldn’t be who are today if wasn’t for our past. Yet if we don’t let it go and learn the lessons we have been presented with, then we tend to re-create it in another way. So how do we stop this from happening? Firstly, step out of being the victim in your life and into taking responsibility for how you would like it to be now. Have compassion for yourself and the past experiences yet it’s time to now move forward with your life. Take out your journal and create a list of all the big life events that you have experienced; the break ups, loss/grief, injuries, accidents, sudden life changes, relationships with family members. Next to each big life event – create a list of what it has taught you? What did you learn about yourself? These are your incredible gifts and you may not have gained the wisdom you now have without these challenging experiences. Have gratitude and let them go now.

Recap on the 6 Actions you can take to feel less stressed and overwhelmed and come back into alignment with your need and desires:

  1. Read the book “Mindset” by Carol Dweck. Start to observe your language changing it from negative to positive. Write down negative thoughts and re-frame them into a growth mindset. E.g. I am never going to get the job I want. I am developing the skills/tools to have any job I desire.

  2. Take time to dream up the life that you do want. List 1 step you can take next towards each desire.

  3. Create a list of all the things that bring you JOY and do one these daily (cooking, reading, walking, swimming, painting)

  4. Create a morning routine: wake up, meditate, drink a big glass of water, move your body (all before looking at your phone, emails, socials) and prioritise it.

  5. Before you go to bed at night, journal everything that you are grateful for in your day and what you want your day tomorrow to be like.

  6. Next to each big life event – create a list of what it has taught you. These are your gifts and you may not have gained this wisdom them otherwise.

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