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Time is TBD


Online Group Program/Container

Conscious Parenting

Parent with more ease and flow: nourish deeper connections with your children, understand and heal your triggers and create more harmony in the home.

Conscious Parenting
Conscious Parenting

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Online Group Program/Container

About the event

Does this sound familiar?

  • Sick of having to threaten your kids to get them to behave
  • Raising your voice or shouting at them in order to get them to listen
  • Feeling burnout, frustrated and often resentful
  • A never ending to do list… and your needs are at the bottom
  • Constantly triggered and unsure exactly why

OR maybe your children experience…

  • emotional overwhelm
  • anxiety
  • adhd/heightened energy
  • challenges sleeping through the night
  • separation anxiety
  • negative thought patterns

And you have exhausted all options… yet feeling unsure what to do next?

Can you imagine having a deeply nourishing relationship with your kids, a relationship that sets the tone of ALL relationships to come in their life.

I invite you to come and learn the skills, strategies and tools to:

  • support your children mentally and emotionally without feeling drained and resentful
  • support your children to understand and express their emotions, without losing your “sh#t” yourself
  • get your children to actually listen, without feeling like a broken record
  • parent from a “full” cup, yessss this too (with the right support) is actually possible
  • understand why your kids trigger you so much and how these triggers can be your greatest teachers
  • feel empowered and in control of your parenting
  • understand your children’s out of control behaviors and what they are really communicating to you
  • experience more harmony in the home (even amidst the chaos)
  • set boundaries and follow through without feeling the dreaded parent guilt

This program provides parents with the village that so many seek: support, guidance, laughter and friendships.

You don’t reallllllly want to yell, fight and argue with your kids, yet they know how to really push your buttons, right?

You have had a long day, you're exhausted and feel like giving up?

You know your kids need you, but you feel like nothing works?

I see you, I am hearing you annnnnd I am here to help

Imagine being able to parent with more spaciousness. To be supported and know that you’re not in this alone. To have someone hear your challenges and share with you tried, tested and proven strategies that work.


Parenting with more ease and flow

This program isn't just about teaching concepts, knowledge and tools… it’s about providing you with the support in which you need, a community and a village.

You will not only learn from Angela Louise leading (childhood educational expert) but become a part of a community, where you can ask questions, have the opportunity for group online coaching, modules and workshops and specifically designed integration tasks that will ensure you create the change that you desire.

This program will teach you…

  • how to regulate your nervous system, process your emotions and understand what is needed to support your children’s sleep (and therefore yours!)… so that you have the capacity to hold space for their “storms”.
  • how to identify their challenging behaviors and get to the root of what is driving them, preventing them from being “out of control” in the first place
  • how to communicate in a way that your children “hear you” and actually listen to what you are saying… so that you can have less arguments, screaming and yelling.
  • to co-create boundaries with your children and follow through in a way that you won’t feel like the bad guy enforcing rules allllll the time
  • to understand your triggers and the unhealed inner child within you. It is this part of you going into battle with your kids. Imagine no longer over-reacting and instead healing allllll areas of your life
  • to identify the relationship patterns between you and your children and support you to empower them to feel worthy, confident and capable in all areas of their life

Here’s what’s involved…

  • A 4 month program
  • Fortnightly modules and lessons
  • Fortnightly 90 minute group coaching calls
  • Practical tasks and activities to implement in the home
  • Group message thread for extra support and a village in your pocket
  • A bonus 1-1 healing session
  • Annnnnnd bring your partner for free, so you can be on the same page in your parenting!

Through showing up for yourself, your children and each other in this program you will leave…

  • Feeling more grounded, supported and nourished as a parent, instead of living in “survival mode”
  • Knowing how to hold your children through their big emotions
  • Having your children actually listening to you
  • Understanding your children’s difficult behaviors and how to shift them
  • Feeling confident to move through your own triggers and come back to a calm place within yourself
  • Experiencing more joy, fun and play in your parenting


  • I now have a calmer home environment and can communicate with the kids more effectively
  • I spend more time being present with them and listening more
  • I have realized I am their model, it all actually starts with me (everything)
  • I now express my feelings and emotions with them, so they know how to do the same
  • My partner and I are both more conscious of our parenting
  • I spend far more time with them now, taking time to understand them and love them
  • I stop to play with my kids before I go to work
  • My kids now have a successful bedtime routine

About your facilitator…

Introducing Angela Louise…

I am a heart centered and deeply compassionate trauma informed facilitator and leader. I have been working in the field of coaching and healing for the past 7 years. Yet I have been supporting mammas (and their partners) for the past 18+ years. My background in the education system (as a teacher and leader) led me to studying a vast range of modalities to understand the depths of human behavior, communication and emotional/mental well being.

For years I would question why children didn’t listen, the reasons behind kids “misbehaving”, why some children couldn’t concentrate or follow instructions and why children as young as 5 years old were having panic attacks in the classroom. I had parents constantly asking me for help and really just needing a compassionate ear to listen about the challenges that they faced every single day. In my heart I knew I was here to do so much more than teach children to read and write…

Who was supporting these mammas (and their partners)?

5 years ago I began facilitating workshops and online programs on a mission to do exactly that… be the bridge between children and their parents to help them to nourish their relationships with their kids, create more harmony in the home and understand their own personal triggers that show up every day as a parent.

It takes a village to raise a child in a way that serves everyone and I want to create spaces for mammas (and their partners) to feel safe, supported, seen, heard and free from judgment on their journey.

Why sign up now?

The ages 0-7 are the years that set us up for success in life. We form our identities, values and beliefs about ourselves and the world.

Do you want to set your children up with the BEST foundations for their life?

Let’s get started…

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • All group coaching calls for the container will be recorded, if you are not able to make one of them, you can watch the replay
  • Call times will be on a Tuesday evening at 7:30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (fortnightly)
  • Payment plans are available on request
  • ALL previous clients are welcomed AND encourage to join

If you are interested in finding out if this is for you or you are both hands in the air ready to sign up - BOOK A CALL through REGISTERING with me today!


  • I'm interested!

    Please contact me to arrange a connection call.




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